Food has a climate problem: Nitrous oxide emissions are accelerating with growing demand for fertiliser and meat – but there are solutions

By Hanqin Tian, Boston Coll ege; Eric Davidson, University of Maryland, Baltimore; Pep Canadell, CSIRO, and Rona Louise Thompson, Norwegian Institute for Air Research Food’s role in climate change has emerged as one of the defining challenges of our time. The journey of a steak, fruit or salad from the vast expanses of agricultural lands…

Zeolites to be trialed to curb methane emissions

Mineral processing technology company Zeotech is to proceed to an infield validation trial of its methane emissions control technologye at one of Cleanaway Waste Management’s landfills. Developed at Griffith University, the technology has achieved ‘very promising results’ during testing according to Zeotech. The test programme aims to develop zeolite-based technology (biofilter) to be deployed within…