Towards 3% R&D webinar – incremental innovation rules says Serena Ross

Incremental innovation rules for Serena Ross, the CEO of Circuitwise Electronics Manufacturing and one of our panellists at @AuManufacturing‘s webinar taking place this week on Thursday 19 September (more information and sign up here). Serena will discuss during the webinar Towards 3% R&D – Where to from here?, how Circuitwise has been able to triple…

Towards 3% R&D webinar – capital markets fail innovation

As we near our latest webinar Towards 3% R&D – Where to from here? (more information and sign up here) Dr John Howard asks whether Australia’s capital markets are failing to support innovative companies. Dr Howard will speak at the webinar which follows our editorial series and e-book Towards 3% – turbocharging Australia’s innovation effort.…

Towards 3% R&D webinar for the latest on the R&D tax incentive

The Research and Development Tax Incentive will be one of the issues discussed during @AuManufacturing News and public accounting, tax, consulting and business advisory BDO’s latest webinar Towards 3% R&D – Where to from here?. Following on from our editorial series and e-book on Australia’s faltering national research effort, the 19 September webinar features Nicola…

Sign up for our webinar – Towards 3% R&D – Where to from here?

Join our latest webinar Towards 3% R&D – Where to from here? to hear from experts discussing the slump in Australian innovation effort (information and sign up here). Innovation is the lifeblood of our economic future and we are failing badly following a 10 year decline in measured R&D. What went wrong? What is…