25 years of R&D reviews – By Dr John Howard

Australia is again reviewing Australia’s innovation system – the Strategic Examination of R&D – and its apparent inability to contribute sufficiently to national economic development. Here Dr John Howard looks back at what we know from 25 years of such reviews. Australia’s ability to harness the full potential of its research and development (R&D) capacity…

Revving up the engine of progress

Dr Munib Karavdic is the founder and CEO of WAVE Design, which has a longstanding partnership with @AuManufacturing and has been involved in this title’s Australia’s 50 Most Innovative Manufacturers campaign for the last couple of years. He shares some observations on what sets the best innovators apart. There’s a quote from the legendary football…

A few thoughts on innovation from Russell Mineral Equipment’s founder

This week Russell Mineral Equipment was announced as the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation’s first investee, with the NRFC taking a $40 million stake in the company alongside US-based private equity firm Resource Capital Funds. Earlier this year, RME was a gold award winner in @AuManufacturing‘s Australia’s 50 Most Innovative Manufacturers campaign for 2024. Below is…