Study shows black phosphorous nanoflakes promising against superbugs in wound care, devices

A study led by RMIT University and University of South Australia has shown the effectiveness of black phosphorus-based nanotechnology in battling “superbugs”, pointing the way to possible adoption in wound care products and implants. In a statement from UniSA on Thursday, the “nano-thin superbug-slaying material” is described as “effective against a broad range of drug-resistant…

Controversial ‘forever chemicals’ could be phased out in Australia under new restrictions. Here’s what you need to know

By Sarah Wilson, University of Technology Sydney and Rachael Wakefield-Rann, University of Technology Sydney There’s growing global concern about potential risks to human health and the environment from a group of industrial chemicals commonly known as PFAS, or “forever chemicals”. While the full extent of harm from PFAS is still emerging, the fact these chemicals…