Capral receives first Chain of Custody-certified shipment

Capral Aluminium has announced the achievement of what it says is a “significant milestone in sustainable sourcing” this month, receiving its first Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) Chain of Custody (CoC)-certified shipment from Aluminium Bahrain (Alba.)  According to a statement from Capral, the certification assures that the aluminium in its products has been responsibly sourced and…

Australia’s lack of economic complexity on display – again

Australia’s overreliance on exporting largely undifferentiated commodities has been laid bare in data released by the Harvard Kennedy School which shows that the country’s Economic Complexity Index (ECI) rating has plummeted to 93rd, down 12 positions in the past ten years. The Harvard Index systematically ranks 133 countries by their ability to manufacture and export…

Province Resources focuses on HyEnergy hydrogen project

Province Resources has continued to progress its proposed HyEnergy green hydrogen export project in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. During the latest quarter engineering firms GHD and Aurecon were appointed respectively to undertake the downstream and upstream components of the project’s pre-feasibility for ‘a large multi-gigawatt project’, according to the company. The HyEnergy project…