Best of the week — the five most popular stories among readers, November 25 – November 29, 2024

What were the five biggest stories of the week? Here’s what visitors to @AuManufacturing were reading. 5) Monash betadine battery breakthrough begets new company Engineering researchers from Monash University have formed a new lithium sulphur (Li-S) battery startup, armed with chemistry inspired by an over-the-counter antiseptic and initially targeting drone applications. According to a statement from the…

Breakthrough Fellowship Program aims to help researchers become founders

State government-backed venture fund Breakthrough Victoria has announced a new $7.5 million Breakthrough Fellowship Program, aimed at supporting researcher entrepreneur talent. According to a statement from the organisation on Friday, the program aims to cultivate “the next generation of startup founders from Victorian universities and medical research institutes” and is predicted to “establish up to…

RMIT University launches nanomanufacturing research centre

Melbourne’s RMIT University has launched the Centre for Atomaterials and Nanomanufacturing (CAN) to work with industry to commercialise nanomaterials. Led by Distinguished Professor Baohua Jia (pictured), CAN will drive the translation of atomaterial research to support industry and Australia’s transition to a circular economy. Distinguished Professor Jia said: “Atomaterials are microscopic materials about one millionth…

Low emissions products go Made in Australia

The federal government has husbanded the Future Made in Australia (Guarantee of Origin) Bill 2024 and its two supporting bills through federal Parliament. The bills establish a voluntary Guarantee of Origin (GO) scheme, an Australian Government-backed certification scheme to authenticate low-emissions products and support renewable electricity and hydrogen production. According to Climate Change and Energy…

Revving up the engine of progress

Dr Munib Karavdic is the founder and CEO of WAVE Design, which has a longstanding partnership with @AuManufacturing and has been involved in this title’s Australia’s 50 Most Innovative Manufacturers campaign for the last couple of years. He shares some observations on what sets the best innovators apart. There’s a quote from the legendary football…

ICN NSW celebrates 40th anniversary

Industry Capability Network NSW (ICN NSW) celebrated its 40th anniversary this week at an event in Sydney’s CBD featuring a four-decade retrospective and a keynote address from NSW industry minister Anoulack Chanthivong. According to a statement, Chanthivong commended ICN NSW for its unwavering commitment to supporting local businesses to engage with domestic supply chains and…

68 projects announced under National Industry PhD Program

Funding totalling $12 million has been awarded to 68 research projects through the fourth round of the National Industry PhD Program, addressing industry problems in laser dentistry, surgical robotics, meat analogue foods, and elsewhere. PhDs under the program are designed to tackle an industry application, with candidates undertaking a co-designed research project with university and…