Manufacturing News

House Standing Committee delivers new report on “Driving advanced manufacturing in Australia”

Manufacturing News

Another report on the industry has been delivered, with the House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources tabling Sovereign, smart, sustainable: Driving advanced manufacturing in Australia on Thursday.

The committee began accepting written submissions early this year before holding public hearings. 

According to the committee’s chair, Labor’s MP for McEwen Rob Mitchell, “the notion that Australian-made products cannot compete with foreign alternatives is now outdated. With advanced manufacturing processes and techniques, particularly Industry 4.0 technologies, Australian manufacturing can be globally competitive—including on cost.

“We heard that Australian manufacturers are already succeeding in global markets in high value-added niches, where they can compete on R&D, quality, safety and trust rather than being two cents cheaper than the competition.”

Among ten recommendations was the appointment of a new National Advanced Manufacturing Commissioner, establishing government-owned common user facilities in innovation precincts, and scaling up successful Industry 4.0 capability development programs for SMEs.

It can be read here.

Picture: credit Kuka

Further reading

“Developing Advanced Manufacturing in Australia” inquiry underway

Parliamentary committee on advanced manufacturing to hold public hearings this week

Advanced manufacturing inquiry to hold public hearings on Tuesday


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