Media focusing on manufacturing revival – photos

Since our campaign to crowd source a new deal plan for manufacturing the media and social media are increasingly focusing on manufacturers.

A recent 7 News report was sparked by our report that Woolworths had reshored the manufacture of its Little Ones nappies, starting with locally made crawler, walker and toddler sizes.

Ontex Australia will produce more than 185 million nappies per year – 10 nappies every second – for the Australian and New Zealand market from their factory in Eastern Creek, Sydney (main picture).

The report also featured Watchmaker Nicholas Hacko which has reshored the production of its high-end timepieces to a plant at Brookvale in Sydney (pictured below).

But social media and especially the professional Linkedin platform has been awash with local manufacturers forging ahead despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Michael Sharpe of the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (right, below) posted of his recent visit to Green Distillation Technologies which is pioneering its own method of recycling used tyres back to steel and oil at its plant in Warren, NSW.

He is pictured with GDT’s Andrew Foley inspecting the latest developments.

Other manufacturers grabbing the social media limelight include Trans Tank which is spruiking its 8,000 litre cascade water trucks (below).

So too is Geofabrics which recently launched Australia’s only geotextile made from recycled materials.

The company’s bidim Green textile used in used extensively in construction and infrastructure projects is manufactured in Albury, NSW (below).

Even the Americans are getting in on the act.

Pennsylvania, US truck and rail trans[port group Morgan Corporation boasted about the fully electric demonstration vehicle plying local roads.

The truck (pictured below) boasts an electric drive train manufactured in Melbourne by SEA Electric which is being demonstrated to clients by commercial vehicle service provider Zeem Solutions, a partner of SEA Electric in the US.

The drive trains are made in Dandenong and fitted to chassis in the US under licence.

Pictures: Geofabrics, Michael Sharpe, 7 News, Trans Tank, Morgan Corporation

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