Novel hydrogen production tech from CSIRO passes 1,000-hour mark at BlueScope

A CSIRO-developed tubular solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) system for generating hydrogen began operation at BlueScope Steel’s Port Kembla Steelworks in October, and has passed 1,000 hours of operation, according to the nation’s scientific agency. In a statement on Thursday, CSIRO said the system differs from water-splitting electrolysis machines – which separate water into hydrogen and…

BlueScope to test low emissions Helios steel production technology

BlueScope Steel’s venture subsidiary BlueScopeX has signed a MoU with low emissions steel production technology developer Helios Project to demonstrate the use of its Helios Green Iron (HGI) technology in parts of BlueScope’s steelmaking operations. Helios has developed the Helios Cycle process to produce iron and other metals using sodium as a reducing agent with…

PARKD completes parking station prefabrication facility

Modular relocatable carpark manufacturer PARKD has completed a prefabrication and assembly line for its modular car park systems which allow up to six parking levels to be fabricated offsite. The facility manufactures PARKD slab modules using Fielders Slimdek structural formwork and PARKD’s Metal Deck Support System. PARKD Managing Director Peter McUtchen said: “The establishment of…

Is BlueScope making a mistake betting on blast furnaces in a green steel era?

By Peter Roberts Just as the domestic electricity grid is making quick progress towards decarbonisation, so too are industrial processes such as steelmaking. Australia’s two primary steelmakers have taken different courses in moving towards lower carbon iron and steels. The GFG Alliance at Whyalla is moving from reliance on blast furnace technology towards a combination…