25 years of R&D reviews – By Dr John Howard

Australia is again reviewing Australia’s innovation system – the Strategic Examination of R&D – and its apparent inability to contribute sufficiently to national economic development. Here Dr John Howard looks back at what we know from 25 years of such reviews. Australia’s ability to harness the full potential of its research and development (R&D) capacity…

For a ‘future made in Australia’, we need more innovation and diverse people in science and tech

By Kylie Walker, Australian National University This year’s federal budget is making up for decades of lost time – both in our clean energy transition and in betting on new technological breakthroughs. The Future Made in Australia Act holds tantalising potential for building Australian science, research and development. The aim is to turn Australia into…

Core Additive, TAFE Queensland announce two-year partnership

Australian Markforged reseller Core Additive and training provider TAFE Queensland have announced a two-year partnership related to educational programs specific to industrial use of composites and additive manufacturing. According to a joint statement on Thursday, training programs developed will ensure Queensland and Australian businesses “do not fall behind in the age of advanced and additive…