A new deal plan for manufacturing – skills and how Australia can get them by Kerrie Clarke

Leadership and workplace skills are crucial to manufacturing success and Australia’s economic future. Kerrie Clarke has the keys to a skills revival in today’s contribution to @AuManufacturing’s campaign to crowd source a new deal plan for manufacturing post Covid-19. A future for manufacturing will be built on skills – starting with the ones we already…

A new deal plan for manufacturing – a call for Urgency, Collaboration and Diversity by Sarah Pearson

@AuManufacturing’s campaign to crowd source a new deal plan for manufacturing now in its third week takes on greater urgency with this contribution by Dr Sarah Pearson. A leader in academia and government, she appeals for greater urgency and greater collaboration in this personal opinion. “Future Industries” – actually not future – is alive and…

Coronavirus lessons from past crises: how WWI and WWII spurred scientific innovation in Australia

In the wake of COVID-19, we’re seeing intense international competition for urgently-needed supplies including personal protection equipment and ventilators. In Australia, this could extend to other critical imports such as pharmaceuticals and medicines. And when our manufacturing sector can’t fill unexpected breaks in supply chains, we all face risk.