Celebrating Australian sovereign capability – challenges and solutions by Graeme Sheather

As our Celebrating Australian sovereign capability editorial series comes to a close, Graeme Sheather looks at the big picture, where we stand today and the challenges and solutions ahead. A new global order is emerging and it is imperative that Australian manufacturing businesses and government get their act together to create advanced high-tech products and…

Celebrating Australian sovereign capability – report card on our capability sectors

Yesterday in our series – Celebrating Australian sovereign capability – Lance Worrall argued that sovereign capability is about a nation making things it needs, and policy with purpose. Today he identifies Australia’s priority sovereign capability sectors, and reveals where we are falling short. Over 30 years Australia overdosed on neoliberalism. The patient’s disorders include deindustrialisation…

Celebrating Australian sovereign capability – sovereign capability and how to get it

In the first of two articles in our new series – Celebrating Australian Sovereign Capability – Lance Worrall argues that sovereign capability depends on Australia’s reindustrialisation and rediscovering the positive role of government in setting directions for inclusive growth. The phrase ‘sovereign capability’ re-entered our lexicon during the pandemic. Covid severely disrupted international supply chains,…

Celebrating Australian sovereign capability – introduction to our new editorial series

We have all heard the phrase – sovereign manufacturing capabilities. But what does it mean for Australia in the 21st century, what are they and how do we develop them? Here Peter Roberts sets the scene for our latest editorial series – Celebrating Australian sovereign capability. It wasn’t too long ago that a new phrase…

Strategic Elements generates electricity from moisture

Printable electronics developer Australian Advanced Materials, a company owned by investment house Strategic Elements, has reported ‘rapid technological progress’ in manufacturing a printed device generating electricity from moisture in the air (pictured). AAM, working in partnership with the University of New South Wales, CSIRO and researcher VTT group in Finland has developed and tested a…