K-Tig changes direction, buys metal powder technology

Rapid welding technology developer K-Tig is changing its direction, acquiring 100 percent of US-based Metal Powder Works, which has developed the DirectPowder Process which converts premium bar stock into high-quality powder. K-Tig, which is in voluntary administration, said the process achieved yields of 95 percent compared to 20-30 percent from traditional powder production methods, resulting…

K-Tig back in business, escapes administration

Rapid welding equipment manufacturer K-Tig is back in business having escaped administration through a downsizing and refinancing operation. Administrators KordaMentha announced that creditors had approved a rescue package that will result in the company returning to normal operations recapitalised, and with a smaller cost base. Under a Deed of Company Arrangement, K-Tig management has been…

K-Tig goes into administration

Automated welding manufacturer K-TIG has gone into administration, with Korda Mentha appointed as administrators. No reason was given for the move. Administrators have been appointed to K-TIG as well as a subsidiary Keyhole TIG Pty Ltd. The appointment does not extend to Keyhole TIG (USA) Inc. and Keyhole TIG (UK) Ltd which are continuing to…

K-TIG’s big break into nuclear submarine welding field

Rapid welding technology manufacturer K-TIG’s welding processes have been selected as a potential alternative to conventional gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of pipe joints for the US nuclear submarine construction programme. K-TIG’s Keyhole TIG / GTAW welding technology, originally developed by CSIRO, has been selected for trials by the US’s prime contractor and lead design…

K-TIG expands into nuclear sector and the UK

Rapid automated welding systems manufacturer K-TIG has expanded its interests in the United Kingdom nuclear decommissioning sector, acquiring UK advanced manufacturer Graham Engineering Limited (GEL). The GBP18 million purchase gives K-TIG, which is vying for contracts to manufacture containers to house nuclear wastes, an in country manufacturing presence – GEL already produces highly engineered, large…