Grant applications opened on Wednesday for Recycling and Clean Energy projects under the federal Modern Manufacturing Initiative.
Recycling and Clean Energy is the sixth and final “National Manufacturing Priority” sector invited to apply under the MMI’s Translation and Integration streams. The other five sectors are Defence, Space, Food and Beverage, Resources and Critical Minerals, and Medical Products.
Grants between $1 million and $20 covering half of a project’s cost are available under the two streams.
Grants under the larger Collaboration stream of the initiative will “open soon” according to a joint statement from energy minister Angus Taylor, environment minister Sussan Ley and industry minister Christian Porter. The department of industry’s website says expressions of interest will be invited late in the first half of 2021.
The MMI was announced in October, with a total budget of $1.3 billion over four years.
As with the other five priority sectors, a ten-year roadmap was released for Recycling and Clean Energy to coincide the application opening.
The roadmap highlights “specific areas of investment opportunity including: recyclable products and packaging; products made from recycled feedstock such as plastic or organic waste; hydrogen technologies, thermal energy, microgrids, inverters, specialised batteries and low emissions steel and aluminium,” said the release.
@AuManufacturing has recently published in-depth stories on the opportunities in the Recycling and Clean Energy sectors ahead of the roadmap’s release.
Recycling and Clean Energy grant applications close on May 5 at 5PM AEST. More information can be found here.
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