Manufacturing News

Food and beverage inquiry heads to Tasmania this week

Manufacturing News

The seventh public hearing of the House Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources’ inquiry into food and beverage manufacturing will be held on Thursday in Hobart.

It is scheduled to run from 9:40 am – 12 pm at the Parliament of Tasmania, with local companies Lark Distilling Co, Tasmania Fresh / Tas’Mania, and Cadbury (owned by Mondelez International) appearing as witnesses

Committee Chair Rob Mitchell said in a statement on Tuesday that, “the inquiry has received a lot of interest with over 120 submissions to date. At the public hearing in Tasmania, the Committee will continue to hear from stakeholders to find out what the key challenges are right now for Australian food and beverage manufacturers.”

The committee began its work following a reference from federal industry minister Ed Husic in March, and follows the committee’s Driving advanced manufacturing in Australia report, delivered in November last year.

Picture: Cadbury Chocolate Factory entrance at Hobart, Tasmania. (credit LeeAnne Adams)

Further reading

House Standing Committee delivers new report on “Driving advanced manufacturing in Australia”

Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

Advanced manufacturing inquiry to hold public hearings on Tuesday

“Developing Advanced Manufacturing in Australia” inquiry underway

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