$10 million to build defence AI technologies

The federal government has announced Defence Innovation Hub grants of $10 million ti support development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and defence industry. The investment supports the government’s new Blueprint for Critical Technologies and Action Plan, released by the Prime Minister yesterday, which included AI as one of nine listed critical technologies of national interest.…

SRJ to develop hydrogen compatible pipe technology

Engineering firm SRJ Technologies Group has begun an analysis of the future market for hydrogen as it progresses its plans to develop hydrogen-compatible pipe technology. The company has identified opportunities in leak sealing, mechanical connectors, isolation, repair and integrity solutions for blended hydrogen pipelines and hydrogen manufacturing facilities. The company also has a partnership with…

Baraja launches automotive LiDAR sensing system

Australian autonomous vehicle technology manufacturer Baraja has announced a breakthrough high-performance autonomous vehicle sensing system which works at range, utilising per-point Doppler capabilities. The system, which is available to manufacturers to test in 2022 and is designed for volume production, is the first such system to be available for less than US$1000 per unit, according…