SPEE3D 3D prints stainless steel components

Additive manufacturing technology group SPEE3D has announced a breakthrough process enabling it to offer for the first time 3D printed stainless-steel parts and components. With funding support from energy and resources sector industry growth centre National Energy Resources Australia (NERA), SPEE3D can now print corrosion resistant, stainless-steel components on site and in remote locations, including…

Spee3D achieves another US export

SPEE3D has achieved another export, with Colorado’s Elementum 3D acquiring a WarpSpee3D printer made by the Australian company. Elementum 3D is an additive manufacturing R&D firm, described as specialising in “the creation of advanced metals, composites, and ceramics” with customers including in defence, mining, oil and gas, aerospace and automotive sectors. SPEE3D makes robotically-controlled printers…