Is the tax office clamping down hard on our SMEs?

By Peter Roberts Just when manufacturing SMEs are really doing it tough there is anecdotal evidence that the Australian Tax Office is coming down hard on the struggling sector. Two industry representative groups report anecdotal evidence of formerly accommodating tax office staff changing their attitude in the past week…for the worse. “One minute it was…


Urban owls are losing their homes. So we’re 3D printing them new ones

By Dan Parker, University of Melbourne; Bronwyn Isaac, Monash University; Kylie Soanes, University of Melbourne; Nick Bradsworth, Deakin University; Stanislav Roudavski, University of Melbourne, and Therésa Jones, University of Melbourne Native to southeastern Australia, the powerful owl (Ninox strenua) is threatened and facing the prospect of homelessness. These birds don’t make nests – they use…
