Australia’s place in the semiconductor world: Defence could be the new champion for a sovereign microchip industry

Today our Australia’s place in the semiconductor world series looks at ways Australia can address its precarious dependence on overseas chip suppliers, and the role of defence in this. There is no time to waste, argues Martin Hamilton-Smith.  In March 2023 the Albanese government’s Defence Strategic Review will be handed down by Sir Angus Houston…


What next for Industry Growth Centres?

By Peter Roberts Now that the federal government has released the review into the six Industry Growth Centres, the big question remains – what will be their replacement and will they become true application-oriented innovation organisations we see in the UK’s Catapult Centres and Germany’s Fraunhofer institutes? The recommendations of Industry Growth Centres Initiative: initial…


Growth Centres report commissioned by Morrison government in 2019 finally made public

An ACIL report commissioned in 2019 by the previous federal government evaluating the impact of the Industry Growth Centres initiative has finally been made publicly available. Industry Growth Centres Initiative: initial impact evaluation was published on the industry department’s website on Tuesday. The previously-buried report – which Labor unsuccessfully tried to force the release of…


CSIRO strikes gold as mineral analysis recognised

CSIRO spin-out company Chrysos Corporation has been recognised for the successful commercialisation of PhotonAssay technology, as recipients of the Prime Minister’s 2022 Prize for Innovation. Led by Dr Nick Cutmore, Dr James Tickner and Dirk Treasure the company’s PhotonAssay technology delivers faster, safer, more accurate and environmentally friendly analysis of gold for the minerals industry.…


Gilmour, Macquarie Uni partner to develop thermal camera for space

Gilmour Space Technologies and Macquarie University have announced a partnership to develop and manufacture infrared sensors to be included on a satellite scheduled for launch in late-2023. In a statement on Tuesday, Gilmour said Macquarie’s Australian Astronomical Optics (AAO) team was internationally-recognised for its work on precision instrumentation for telescopes.  AAO Project Lead Dr Lee…


Semiconductor series extended

Our current editorial series, Australia’s place in the semiconductor world, has received a greater number of submissions than expected. We have gratefully accepted comment from startups, academics, venture capitalists, former politicians and others. Besides the volume, the (naturally very important) quality of editorial has also exceeded expectations. As a result we are happy to extend…
