Portable MRI system attracts $1 million development grant
A new diagnostic tool is closer to commercial reality after the University of Queensland’s Centre for Advanced Imaging received a $1 million grant.
DetailsA new diagnostic tool is closer to commercial reality after the University of Queensland’s Centre for Advanced Imaging received a $1 million grant.
DetailsThe federal government has chosen remotely operated weapons systems manufactured by Electro Optic Systems Holdings in Canberra as part of acquisitions announced in this week’s defence update. The army will buy acquire 251 Remote Weapon Stations (main picture mounted on a Thales Bushmaster, and below) in a contract of undisclosed value. The remote weapon Stations…
DetailsRMIT scientists and private company Human Aerospace will develop three types of space suits in a partnership involving NASA and the European Space Agency.
DetailsNewly renamed medical device manufacturer Nova Eye Medical has wasted no time expanding its product portfolio in the glaucoma field following the sale of its ophthalmic laser and ultrasound businesses. Nova, known before the sale this week as Ellex Medical Lasers, has used some of the $97.4 million proceeds to purchase the Molteno3 glaucoma drainage…
DetailsSince our campaign to crowd source a new deal plan for manufacturing the media and social media are increasingly focusing on manufacturers. A recent 7 News report was sparked by our report that Woolworths had reshored the manufacture of its Little Ones nappies, starting with locally made crawler, walker and toddler sizes. Ontex Australia will…
DetailsTelemedicine device manufacturer Visionflex has added an ultrasound capability (pictured) to its ProEx Telehealth Hub remote healthcare system. The system connects patients and medical practitioners in remote areas via satellite, allowing remote monitoring of patients and diagnosis of health conditions. Using a range of devices such as digital cameras, pulse oximiters, ECG heart monitors, thermometers…
DetailsSeasol has been announced as the 2,000th member of the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre. The family-owned organic garden and lawn products manufacturer said that it hoped to tap into the knowledge and contacts among AMGC‘s network to improve its business. “We aim to enhance Seasol’s efficiency and productivity and respond more quickly to market demands…
DetailsMore than $7 billion will be spent to transform how Australia’s defence force operates in space, with a focus on improving sovereign capability.
The defence force will receive about $7 billion over the next decade to transform the way it operates in space. This means space will account for about 3 per cent of total defence investment over the next 10 years.
Engineers Australia has released its fifth annual list of Australia’s Most Innovative Engineers.
DetailsFunding for a new research centre has been announced, with its work to focus on recycling for construction products and focussing on ten challenging waste streams.