Manufacturing news briefs – stories you might have missed

FDA accepts Mesoblast’s responses  Biotech company Mesoblast has announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted Mesoblast’s Biologics License Application (BLA) resubmission for Ryoncil (remestemcel-L) in the treatment of children with steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease (SR-aGVHD). According to a statement, the FDA considers the resubmission to be a complete…


Norship opens new Cairns Maritime Maintenance Building

A new Maritime Maintenance Building has been officially opened on the Cairns waterfront to provide service and repair facilities for large ships, boosting the city’s marine infrastructure. Norship’s $16 million new building will house the company’s abrasive blasting and spray painting operation which will service defence, commercial and private sector marine vessel customers. The building…


Applications open for NSW Plastics Research Program grants worth up to $500,000 each

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has invited universities and government research institutions in the state to apply for a total of $1.25 million in grants available through the Plastics Research Program (PRP). Applications are open until September 5, and grants are valued at between $250,000 and $500,000 each.  According to the program’s description, funded…


Boron Molecular, DMTC, CSIRO demonstrate flow chemistry production of pharmaceuticals

A partnership with its origins in the Covid-19 lockdowns and supply chain disruptions of 2020 has reported progress, successfully demonstrating at pilot scale a continuous flow chemistry-based platform for producing pharmaceuticals. According to a statement from DMTC on Thursday, the work so far had successfully demonstrated the scalability of the platform, which is based on…


Productivity Commission takes aim at local content rules, defence

By Peter Roberts That federal government’s economic adviser the Productivity Commission has a new spring in its step and new targets of its quest for an economically pure Australia – defence procurement policies and local content rules more generally, especially those applied by the states. The PC’s 50th Trade and Assistance Review (TAR) just released…
